Saturday, July 23, 2005

RWA Conference in Reno, NV--Julie Miller

Okay, so how many of you are going to be in Reno, Nevada, next week, attending the ROMANCE WRITERS OF AMERICA conference? Authors and readers and aspirings alike. I know some of you are doing workshops. Such as?

I'm heading out there and dive into things almost as soon as I arrive. It should be fun!

Julie Miller


  1. Man, I have to proofread more carefully before I post. How about I'm 'diving' into activities as soon as I hit Reno. And I don't mean the casinos. I have work to do!

    Julie Miller
    CORNERED--Signature Collection--Sept. 05

  2. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Yeah Julie, you gambler, you! ;)

    I'm leaving for Reno on Tuesday. After nine hours of touring the country via airplane, I'll arrive in the evening ready for adventure!

    Rebecca York and Patricia Rosemoor and I are giving a workshop about researching books on Friday morning. The rest of the time, I'll be taking meetings and having fun. And the parties. Let's not forget the parties! I'm looking forward to some good live music and some great dancing!

    I hope to see a lot of you there!

    Ann Voss Peterson

  3. Ann--it was fun seeing you in Reno--the Harlequin party was a blast!!

    It was good to see old friends and to meet some of the new Intrigue authors--Jan Hambright, Kathleen Long, Elle James--as always, it was a pleasure to get together and hang out.

    It was cool to see so many Intriguers finaling in contests--and winning them, too! Delores Fossen, Tracy Montoya, Dana Marton, Lisa Childs, Jessica Andersen, Amanda Stevens--I'm sure I'm leaving someone out. Sorry. Intriguers rock!

    Is anyone as pooped as I am, though? I swear I'm having a harder time recovering from this conference than any I've attended in the past. Maybe I was too tired to begin with. I had a great conference, but I haven't been as productive as I need to be this week--too many nap attacks! My August deadline is looming up large and fast!

    Julie Miller
    CORNERED--Signature Collection--Sept. 05

  4. Yes, Julie, I'm back from Reno and trying to get back to work--at full speed. At the moment I'm editing my next Berkley werewolf book--Shadow of the Moon, which will be out next spring.

    It's always hard for me to get back from a trip or a conference, especially when there's a three hour time change. And then there was Super Thursday--the day we had so many things to do--including the Intrigue authors' informal get together. For those of you who missed it, we agreed to meet at the Garage Bar at the hotel. After a while, I said, the rest of the group must be in here. But we couldn't find them for a long time! So for 45 minutes, we had two separate groups of Intrigue writers. You'd think a bunch of mystery/suspense writers could do better.

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