Saturday, July 02, 2005

Virgin Blog -- Adrianne Lee

Okay, this is my first time. I am just dipping my fingertips into the blogging waters and swirling them a bit. Want to be sure whatever ripples I create don't cause any tidal waves before I venture in completely.
Life has give me a few good slams in the past couple of years and I don't have an Intrigue coming out any time soon. But, I am working on a couple of romantic suspense ideas and have visions of a new contract in the near future.
Adrianne Lee (coming soon)


  1. Anonymous7:02 AM

    HI Adrienne,

    Thought you might like to know that I read Sentenced to Wed and really enjoyed it. It was quirky, charming, off-beat. All together an unusual Intrigue, but it kept a smile on my face and my fingers turning page after page from beginning to end. I hope you have something out again soon. I'll look forward to reading it.

    Patrizia, a wannabe Intrigue author ;-)

  2. Hi Adrianne. Glad to see you here. I am SITTING IN MY GARDEN. I just spent an hour weeding. So I am rewarding myself with iced coffee and e-mail. A little breeze just sprang up. It feels wonderful.

    While I was weeding, I got an idea for the Intrigue I'm writing--which would mean adding some material. I'm thinking about whether I should do it or not.

  3. Anonymous10:24 AM

    Adrianne--Good to see you here. First time is always the scariest!

  4. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Hi, Patrizia,

    Nice to hear from someone who is a reader. Sentenced to Wed was a fun book to write. I am delighted that it made you smile and kept you turning pages. Without anything coming out any time soon, it's good to know that there is someone out there looking forward to my next release.

    Ruth/Rebecca, I wish it were sunny enough and warm enough here to go into a garden. Not that I have a garden, just rocks and more rocks, but it sounds wonderful and a great place to discover those elusive bits and pieces for our stories.

    Adrianne, who should be working on a synopsis, but is learning her way around blogging first.

  5. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Patrizia, forgive me for not wishing you luck getting an Intrigue contract of your own. It took me 7 years to sell my first book. So, don't give up and keep learning the craft, reading, writing and submitting.

    Adrianne Lee

  6. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Thank you, Adrianne. Seven years is a lot of perserverance. I have a partial sitting on an editor's desk and hope that she'll request the full. Writing is truly the waiting game, isn't it? :-) And am I mistaken or did you also work as a literary agent as well with your own agency?

    In any case, I hope you stop by here now and then and let us know what you are up to. When you get started on that next Intrigue, be sure to let us know.


  7. Anonymous11:30 PM

    good info
