Sunday, June 05, 2005

Evil Overlord--Rebecca York

Did any of you ever read the "Evil Overlord" list--a list of what not to do if you were an evil overlord? (Like tattoo all your bad guys with the same mark so the cops could easily identify them. Or sit around explaining how well your nasty plans worked out before you kill the h/h?)

I'm at the end of an Intrigue and caught having the bad guy do a lot of explaining. Of course, a lot of it is lies because he's trying to get the h/h to hate each other before he kills them.

Have any of you gotten trapped with a lot of explaining by the bad guy at the end of the book?

Rebecca York


  1. I loved the bit in The Incredibles when the villain gets so upset with himself. "You've got me monologuing!"

  2. Mary, that's hilarious. A good solution to the problem.

  3. Anonymous5:05 PM

    good info
