Wednesday, June 15, 2005

When do they meet? Rebecca York

This is the second time I've tried to edit a post and erased it! Arg!! I used to make sure my h/h met in the first chapter of an Intrigue. Now I might hold off a bit--if I need the story to start earlier than right before their first meeting. What are you all doing?


  1. Anonymous12:26 PM

    In the story I'm working on now -- an Eclipse -- the H/h don't meet until Chapter 2 (though it's about p. 20). They rarely meet in the first scene, but usually do meet by the end of Chapter 1. It all depends on the story.

  2. This is something I wrestle with. I want a bit of a build-up to my hero and heroine's first meeting, anticipation-- the reader knows they're about to meet but when, and how? But that is one thing the editors seem to be adamant about, especially for newer authors. If I had my way, my H&H would either meet on page 1 or on about page 35-40. Seems like those are my 'comfort zones.'

  3. Anonymous7:40 PM

    where can i get more info?
