Saturday, June 04, 2005

Julie Miller tries again!

Hey, gang-- Julie Miller here.
I'm a blog virgin (sounds like something medievel!), so I sure hope this shows up at the right place!

I'm hip-deep in deadlines for the next few weeks, so I might not get to post much right away. Last month we had some bad storms come through central Nebraska and we took some damage to the house--so I've been doing clean-up, repairs, and spending lots of time on the phone! I had to get an extension on a deadline (my next PRECINCT book, featuring A.D.A. Dwight Powers!) that I'm finishing up--this weekend, I hope! But, of course, that creates a domino effect on subsequent deadlines, so I'll be playing catch-up to get things back on track.

SEARCH AND SEIZURE (The Precinct in question) features two very nasty, vengeful villains and a couple of secrets I won't divulge here. Like Ann said, some villains just stay with you--and in this case, they really are driving the story. But I love the challenge that presents to the hero and heroine, and how much smarter, tougher, bigger, badder they have to be in order to uncover and defeat those bad guys. IOW, this book is really appealing to my dark side. Good catharsis!

After this, I'll lighten things up a bit and work on my next Blaze--one with a military theme--BASIC TRAINING. It's a follow-up to my award-winning Blaze, MAJOR ATTRACTION. Yummy heroes!

My next release, though, is a Signature Select anthology--CORNERED. Three suspenseful novellas by Linda Turner, Ingrid Weaver et moi. My story, "A Midsummer Night's Murder" was a grand adventure to write--sort of Agatha Christie meets Cliffhanger.

Whew! Well, I can see this might become addictive fun. I'll try to be good, but I'm sure I'll be back soon. Thanks, Patricia, for getting us started!!

Julie Miller


  1. A Midsummer Night's Murder--that's a great title!
    Rebecca York

  2. I'm checking to see whether I have a blogger account. Hi, Julie! I love your title, too.

    Kara Lennox

  3. I was rather pleased with that title, too--one of the few good ones I actually came up with myself!!

    I wanted something literary since the heroine is an English professor, and there are literary clues dropped through the novella.

    Julie Miller
